Ganpati Bappa Moraya: Part Three

Day One continues...

Worshipping all the home Ganpati Bappa's in the village

Post lunch I rested for a while and then my cousin granny, my sister and me started with the visit to every house in the village which had a Ganpati Bappa. Every idol was different and adorable. Cheers to the efforts spent on the decorations and to the faith we have in Ganesha. Granny knew the shortest path first to traverse through 27 idols from 5:15pm to 7pm. We worshipped each Ganpati Bappa and took his blessings and also clicked photos. I remembered the Ganesh Pandal Hopping I did during college days in South Mumbai. We missed to visit the Ganpati Bappa in school since it was 7pm and already dark and also, we had to perform aarati for our Ganpati Bappa. Here are Ganpati Bappa's in the order we visited, starting with ofcourse devghar Ganpati Bappa:

Done with the darshan, we went home for aarati and then waited for the aarati group to perform. Post this we had dinner and there was a surprise plan revealed by cousin uncle. More on it in my next post.


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