Happy Rakshabandhan

All The Big Brothers & Soul Sisters

"Family isn't always blood. It's the people in your life who want you in theirs; the ones who accept you for who you are. The ones who would do anything to see you smile and who love you no matter what."

I have a younger sister and younger brother and have been always wanting for an elder brother and an elder sister. As life progressed, the word elder or younger did not matter. All matters is the feelings, the brotherly or sisterly feeling you have for someone. Often we take such important people in our life for granted. Little did we forget that these are angels sent by God. I am blessed to have a few from school, college and CDAC and then office. You have answered many of my stupid questions patiently and listened to my side of the stories patiently. You have been a comforting hand in sorrow. You have shown me the mirror when I was slipping into the wrong track. You have always given a piece of advice to the confused me. You have always taken care of the vulnerable me. You have always been there for me. A thank you is not enough for the same. Just wanted to say, be there in my life, I need you forever.



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