Undergoing a Graduation: Year Two

 The Intermission
Year One was complete and we joined college in June. Our classroom was 38 Science in the Science Annex which was adjacent to the Chemistry building. A few diploma students joined us: Shweta Parulekar, Prajakta Sawant, Roshani Warungase, Shweta Ghag, Rohan Patil and Rohan Vyavaharkar. Now there was only one way to the classroom. But still there was a chance to go to second floor of Chemistry building and see our room from there. Those who attended the lecture would give signal when the lecture is over and Ma'am leaves the room. One good thing about this semester was two Maths subjects: CM (Computational Mathematics) and LDMS (Logic Discrete Mathematical Structures) both taken by Laxmi Ma'am. We even had practicals of CM; simulation of all the computational methods using C programming. We had Unix Shell Programming practical sessions in SP (System Programming). It was great working on vi editor and playing with the keyboard finding out which key performs which function. There was a OOPS! (Object Oriented  Programming with C++) with all the class and object and inheritance etc concepts. There used to be pin drop silence during those lectures and dry run of programs. CN (Computer Network) was taken by Mandar Bhave Sir; the first ten minutes going into asking questions and making half of the class stand and at the end saying, "You guys have got RAM memories!". The highlight of this semester was a whitener; a whitener was enough reason to make all of us give a visit to Vice Principal's cabin followed by an academic punishment to few who used the white inks. The benches are always scribbled with some notes and names. So some of my friends thought of writing the names of all those who sat everyday on the particular bench and they implemented the same using a whitener! My bench was named PSDC (Pranita/Prajakta, Supriya, Deepti, Chetana); due credit to the designers Prajakta and Deepti and Chetana Warang was then angry for not being allowed to add to the design. Similarly Puja Vengurlekar and Anuja designed their bench and so on. The silly mistake we did was using the whitener on the dark brown benches. Now what, we had to listen to all the firing; benches are college property etc etc. Fine was collected from the designers (benches were then repainted from the money) and they also got academic punishment (solving all subjects previous year papers with options) to submit on specified date. Others did help with drawing diagrams and finding answers. Anyways it was a kinda preparation for semester exam. Our exams were conducted on first floor of Arts building. We had to use scientific calculator for CM. With this exam, half of the graduation journey was completed. The remaining half was still to travel. As usual college reopened after Diwali vacation. DBMS (Database Management System) lectures started off; the happy go lucky Pradnya Agaskar Ma'am taught us and her examples always included, "I have five number of tables" and so on. SE (Software Engineering) was taught by Pooja Tambe Ma'am; we enjoyed a lot during her lectures due to her friendly nature. It was just a week or so to getting back to college then the 26/11 Terrorist attack. But Mumbai is best known to stand up fast even after drastic falls. It was interesting to learn on the online transactions in ECOM (E-Commerce) taken by Pallavi Nishandar Ma'am. She would teach each and every point in detail. Also the first ten minutes of her lectures were dedicated to previous day's revision. OS (Operating System) had process state models, deadlocks, concurrency, etc etc. The best was simulation of the scheduling algorithms using C++ and preparation of Gantt Charts. On 24th Dec, it was for the first time in four years that I attended our college annual festival. I got to see many celebrities from the Marathi Film Industry, all were ex-students. January started with Java Programming and also preparations of Astute (since we were in second year now). We had to prepare Case studies for DBMS and SE based on real time scenarios. I prepared one on Mudra Book Depot alongwith Samruddhi Bhosle. I sometimes used to sit with another trio (Ankita Kushalka, Priyanka Chittar and Nivedita Mudbhatkal); had to listen to jokes cracked by Pratik Gaitonde. During lunch breaks, I and Prajakta mostly ordered Noodles. It was here that I became a voracious noodle eater. We had several visits to Siddhivinayak temple and Lalbaug library. The Sem 4 exams were conducted in April and we had a meeting on the last day. Students would be divided into five groups headed by Smrutika Ma'am, Swarupa Ma'am, Pradnya Ma'am, Pallavi Ma'am, Pooja Ma'am. I was in Pallavi Ma'am group. The group formations marked the completion of Year Two in the graduation journey. 


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