Five years of...

Taking the Ladies Special train every morning and getting down at Santacruz station and searching for Auto rickshaw: "Hyatt hotel chaloge?"
Swiping In at 9am and going for breakfast and eating Toast Butter with Tea.
Starting the PC and checking the Attendance In Time whether captured correctly or not.
Logging in Outlook and Marking read for all the System Generated Mails, checking whats in my schedule.
Meetings over meetings in rooms; projectors and presentations etc etc.
Managing the HR world: IBU HR, Business HR, Corporate HR, JV2 HR, JV1 HR, Plant HR etc
Attending Workshops and traveling through Metro to reach the venues.
Following the Spiral Model again and again for multiple projects.
Collaboration with different teams in IT and coordinating for project completions.
Learning from senior programmers and teaching to junior programmers and sometimes vice versa.
Celebrating Diwali, New Year, Splash, Monthly birthdays.
Attending IT Planning meets, Team outings, Floor presentations.
Many Handovers, Many Go Lives, Many Bug fixes, Many Optimizations
With only one Promotion and not even a single ROTS!!!


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