Omellete in the making

The first proper food item I made using the cooking gas, apart from tea and Maggi of course, was an egg omelette. Cutting the onion is easy peasy. The main part comes to putting masala and salt for taste. Then breaking the egg and mixing the yolk in the ingredients. Putting oil in the pan followed by the egg batter. Frying the omelette on both sides and its ready to serve. But an omelette is not so easily made in first go, at least not by me. Sharing my experience of failing at each step. Cutting the onion in medium pieces and taking optimal quantity is important, if the pieces are large and quantity is more then you may end up with a scrambled egg instead of a omelette. Because while flipping it will break. Putting the correct amount of masala and salt comes from experience. You get to judge it after tasting, what has to be more and what has to be less. Breaking the egg is an art. Using a spoon to break and holding the egg above the bowl is anytime better. Otherwise the egg may spill over the kitchen slab and an extra effort would go into cleaning it. Mix the yolk thoroughly, otherwise if the transparent liquid and yellow yolk are separate then omelette would be having white portions. The oil should be moderately hot, then pour the batter into it. Flipping the omelette is also a task. Many end up scrambling the stuff while flipping. Whatever step goes wrong, I always had to eat the omelette. And let me tell you, when you cook anything and however wrong it has gone, you will eat it since you know the efforts gone in the making and it will never taste bad to your tongue.


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