Things to learn from a Solo Trip

1. Gift from you to you: Yes indeed, its the best you could ever do for yourself. Step out of the everyday home to office to back home routine; life is anyways full of risks, why not take one more! Carry a blank slate with you and sketch it with those fun filled days. A far better you will return. Time waits for no one; so then why should you wait for company. Go Solo.

2. Packing and Money: Pack as light as possible because its you, who have to carry it everywhere (even to the washroom). First aid is a must, carry mini size items of the daily use, clothes is your choice but be mindful. Carry money in different forms: cash (there are places which still transact on hard cash), card, Paytm or equivalent online transfer system.

3. Study your tour: Find all possible information about the places you are to visit, the climatic conditions, distance and time taken to travel, etc. So you are well prepared. Keep important information as a note and a soft copy on mobile.

4. Patience-Adjustment-Punctuality: Have patience, do not judge the whole tour based on Day One because its just the start. Give yourself some time to sync into the travel mode. And let me tell you from my personal experience, for me the Day One always are disaster. But then the remaining days turn into double the fun. If you have butterflies in stomach while starting the solo journey then its absolutely fine. Getting questions like "Am I ready for this experience? What if this doesn't go well?" is also fine. Half the achievement was done the moment you made the decision and booked the holiday. Even I got scared a bit when I received the mail of my flight tickets; that gave a push from imagination to reality. You need to adjust with the surroundings (acclimatize with the weather, food, water, facilities, etc) and also the people (locals, if on tour then tour members). Always be punctual, never make others wait for you. Since you are alone, you should not assume someone else would wake you up, etc. Simply speaking you can't click a sunrise at 12 noon because the sun is already over the head!

5. I, Me, Myself: Enjoy your ME time as much as possible. Not everyone likes being alone, but there are people like me who love to sit by the lake view, fall into the hammock and gaze the night sky, etc. Talk to yourself on how you are enjoying the sudden change. Bring back the little child in you, do jumping, playing in water, making sand castles, etc whatever is feasible.

6. Try out new things: Break the mind cloud of should I or should I not. I did take ATV ride which I would have otherwise never thought of. Your self doubts will be cleared and you will be more confident individual.

7. Overcome fears: Most of our fears are mind made. I did overcome the fear of sitting on backseat; I purposefully took the backseat and actually enjoyed the jumping brakes and road turnings. I hated road travels, the tour made me travel more than five hours per day and now I am accustomed to it.

8. Make new friends: I am an introvert but still I managed to make 25+ new friends in just 10 days. I introduced myself and my blogging hobby was appreciated. We shared a lot of experiences, jokes, etc and still going on WhatsApp group.

9. Digital Detox: Cut off the social network while on a vacation. You may put a status "On Solo Vacation" and go offline. Friends will keep wandering where on earth are you right now. Keep your family informed and forget rest of the world.

If there are more points to add, do tell me. I will keep appending it. The more, the better.


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