Around the World: Part Four

In which we toured the city

08.05.2019: Tour Day 2

It’s only Mom’s Alarm which keeps ringing, without any snooze, until you get up from the bed. You realize this only when you are away from home. I got ready and went down for breakfast. The breakfast consisted of cornflakes and milk, bread and butter, orange juice and multivitamin juice, etc. There was a coffee machine too. We departed the hotel after 8am. The guide was joining the tour at Nature History Museum. On the way, Akhilesh briefed on the Queen’s history, Kohinoor history, Great Fire of London and so on. Our tour guide was Melissa; she was saying the instructions on the mic and we were looking accordingly towards the right and the left and the clock directions. There was no time to click photos on the go. For Harry Potter fans, we saw the Diagon Alley, Gringotts Bank and Millennium Bridge. We saw the House of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, Big Ben, Borough Market, India House, Victoria Becks Museum, Kings College, Mad Hatters and so on. We did get off the bus for a few places: Trafalgar Square, Piccadilly Circus, Buckingham Palace and Tower Bridge.

Trafalgar Square
It is a public square in the City of Westminster, Central London. It is dominated by the 52m high Nelson’s Column, guarded by four bronze lion statues and ringed by buildings including the National Gallery.

Piccadilly Circus

It is a road junction and a public space of London’s West End in the City of Westminster. The roads at junction are Regent Street, Shaftesbury Avenue, Haymarket, Coventry Street and Glasshouse Street.

Buckingham Palace
The Changing the Guard ceremony at the Buckingham Palace is subject to operation. We did not get to see the ceremony. As it started raining, we had to get rush back to our bus.

Tower Bridge
It consists of two bridge towers tied together at upper level by two horizontal walkways. It’s a bascule bridge, which opens in the center to provide way to tall ships.

Done with the sightseeing, we proceeded to our lunch restaurant, Mumtaz themed in  the Mughal style. Post lunch, we had to visit a Wax Museum.


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