Around the World: Part Nineteen

To the city of the Tilted Bell Tower

16.05.2019: Tour Day 10, Country 9, City 3&4

We had our breakfast and checked out of the hotel. Our bus was parked away from the main hotel; so, we had to drive the luggage till the bus. Today the road journey was  longer, we were moving to the city of the tilted bell tower. I have seen the image of this tower on the cover of my classmate long books; and now I was going to view it in real. We arrived in the city of Pisa, Tuscany, central Italy by noon. Here again the bus dropped us at the queue for the tram ride to the Pisa monuments. We queue up for the tram; meanwhile there were many umbrella and handbag sellers around. Some of us did purchase the umbrellas and bags. The tram dropped us in the vicinity of the tower. We had to walk further to the main monuments. There were many souvenir stalls, coffee shops, ice cream shops on the way. Unlike the other countries we travelled till now, Italy was the most crowded country and the weather was pleasant and sunny. So, we left our woolens in the bus itself. We headed first towards our lunch Ristorante Rajasthan, Via Capponi. The seating arrangement was in a big tent. The food included the basic Indian food plus there was an Italian pizza and pasta.

Piazza dei Miracoli (Square of Miracles)

It includes the Pisa Cathedral, Pisa Baptistry, the Campanile and the Camposanto Monumentale.

The Leaning Tower of Pisa
It is a campanile bell tower. The height of the tower is 55.86 meters (183.27 feet) from the ground on the low side and 56.67 meters (185.93 feet) on the high side. The width of the walls at the base is 2.44 m (8 ft 0.06 in). The tower is currently tilted to 3.97 degree.

The Pisa Baptistery
The largest baptistery in Italy, it is 54.86 m high, with a diameter of 34.13 m. The Pisa Baptistery is an example of the transition from the Romanesque style to the Gothic style: the lower section is in the Romanesque style, with rounded arches, while the upper sections are in the Gothic style, with pointed arches. The Baptistery is constructed of marble, as is common in Italian architecture.

The Pisa Cathedral
It is a medieval Roman Catholic cathedral dedicated to the Assumption of the Virgin Mary. It is a notable example of Romanesque architecture, the style known as Pisan Romanesque.  It is the seat of the Archbishop of Pisa.

After the sightseeing, we had free time for shopping on the streets of Pisa. Then we queued up for the Tram, which took us to our bus, and we headed to the next city. We arrived in the city of Firenze (Florence) in the evening. It is the capital city of Tuscany, central Italy.

Piazzale Michelangelo
It is a square in the Oltrarno district, and provides a panoramic view of the city, on the banks of the river Arno. The square is most famous for the statue of David, a masterpiece of Renaissance sculptor, created by Italian artist Michelangelo.
Later we headed towards Park Hotel, Arezzo for dinner and night stay. Our coach captain Lubisha would be on his journey back to Paris tonight. We gifted him a wallet as a token of gratitude. Later we checked into our rooms and had dinner. This was the last dinner in the European country tonight. Post dinner we gifted a jacket to Akhilesh as a token of gratitude. We got into our rooms and packed most of the stuff. Tomorrow was our last day of the tour. It was surprising how the days passed by in the blink of the eye.


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