North East Odyssey: Part Ten

Day Nine (02.12.2021): Exploring Shillong

We woke up early morning, got ready and had a delicious breakfast. For the next two days, there would be no loading unloading of luggage. We got into our bus and started our sightseeing journey. Shillong is a hill station and the capital of Meghalaya. It is said that the rolling hills around the town reminded the British of Scotland. Hence, they would also refer to it as the "Scotland of the East". The climate was cool but pleasant. We could not visit the Shillong Peak due to covid restriction. We reached the Cathedral of Mary at 9AM. The bus was parked inside the Cathedral complex.

Cathedral of Mary

The Cathedral of Mary Help of Christians is the cathedral church of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Shillong and serves as the seat of the Metropolitan Archbishop of Shillong. We were not allowed to see the cathedral from inside since Mass was on. So we explored the surrounding. We had a group photo, but everyone was more interested in the cherry blossom tree at the corner.

Elephant Falls

Originally the Khasi people named this fall "Ka Kshaid Lai Pateng Khohsiew", which translates to "the three - step waterfall". The British named it Elephant Falls due the rock which resembled the elephant. In the year 1897, the rock was destroyed by the earthquake. We reached the venue at 10AM. The bus was parked. We walked through the souvenir's shops. There was a small playpark for toddlers. We had to walk down the stair route. There was a shop selling scarfs and shawls and they had a room wherein we could try the traditional attire and get clicked. We walked ahead to the first step of the falls. There is an introduction banner and seats to relax in this area. 
The waterfall originates from the mountains and is almost covered by the trees in its vicinity. We had to hike downwards through the stair route. There were two routes, one longer and one steep. Then comes a wooden bridge at the second fall. Here one can clearly watch the rocks under the water. 
We had to further walk down the zigzag stairs till the ground to have a complete view of the third step. The view was stunning. 
Everyone got into clicking photos and capturing videos. Having filled our eyes and heart, we climbed upwards the zigzag stairs and crossed the wooden bridge and again climbed the steep steps with occasional panting breaks. We got back to the main shop, and everyone got engaged in trying out the traditional outfit.
I am wearing the attire of Khasi women. Jainpien is worn from the waist downwards up to the ankle. Sopti Mupmor is a long-sleeved velvet blouse. Dhara is yellow-coloured rectangular silk cloth fastened crosswise on the left shoulder. Ornaments include Pansngiat (silver crown with a bunch of flowers), Taj Rupa (silver armlets) and Mahu Rupa (silver fore armlets), Kpieng (gold and red coral necklace) along with Kynjri tabah Kynthei (silver chains). The prop is a bamboo basket with flowers.

Done with the photo clicking and souvenirs shopping, we got back to our bus and continued our journey towards Cherrapunji.


  1. Nice Article! Women's Day is an international day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. We can celebrate women's day virtually by joining the conversation about women’s rights. On this occasion,we are focusing on women's leadership for peace, for women's health and for gender equality.


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