Around Africa: Part Fourteen

In which I explored the Karnak Temple

18.12.2023: Tour Day 7, City 9 

It is a collection of temples, chapels, pylons, etc. It consists of the Precinct of Amun-Ra, the Precinct of Mut, the Precinct of Montu, and the dismantled Temple of Amenhotep IV. We entered the premises, got the tickets scanned. The temple complex has ten pylons built by different Pharaohs. The first pylon is the entrance to the Amun-Re precinct with an avenue of sphinxes. 

The Great Hypostyle Hall

Built by Seti I and completed by his son Ramesses II, this forest of columns creates a mesmerizing play of light and shadow, invoking a sense of reverence and wonder

The Third Pylon

Beyond the Hypostyle Hall stands the imposing third pylon, erected by Amenhotep III. Its massive structure served as a backdrop for grand processions and rituals, emphasizing the temple’s significance as a center of religious authority.

Thutmose III Pylon

It stands as a testament to the military prowess and religious fervor of one of Egypt’s greatest pharaohs. Decorated with scenes of triumph and divine adoration, it served as a monumental gateway to the inner sanctum of Karnak Temple.

Tuthmosis III Hall

Here monumental statues and towering obelisks pay homage to the pharaoh’s divine mandate. This vast hall, lined with hieroglyphs and reliefs, immortalizes Tuthmosis III’s reign and his enduring legacy as a patron of Karnak Temple.

Ramesses III Chapel

The chapel of Ramesses III is located in the temple precinct and is adorned with vibrant reliefs depicting scenes of royal grandeur and divine favor.

We completed only the Precinth of Amun-Ra. There was a lot to see but due to lack of time we left the temple complex. We then drove ahead to Hurghada. It was a long drive for five hours with a short washroom break. We reached the Hotel Gravity and Aqua park at 9:15pm. Here again christmas theme was applied. We are too tired to admire the property tonight, more on it in next post. We got the room keys, towel card and wifi password. My room no. was 551. 

We had dinner for namesake. Tomorrow was going to be a relaxing day, since we were done with all the temples.

Read next: Around Africa: Part Fifteen


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