
I wish to have him in my life

To read my little diary

To whisper "I love U" in my ears

Unlike car or bike, we would go cycling!

To watch stars n moon

To go wandering places: Sikkim, Spiti, Lakshadweep, Andaman 

To go Camping anytime!

To cook Maggi or Pasta

To answer my silly to serious questions?

To make me a foodie! Quite difficult though!

To play in the rain

To be a lovely titanic boat!

To take care of me always

To be Shyam for this Radha

To take selfies in middle of the road at night

To doze off on his shoulders

To arrange wedding of my best friend Ninja!

To be by my side in dying situations

To give the tightest hug!

I would never let u fall; except in love with me!

Forehead kiss would be enough to convey your feelings for me!

I really want to say and do this!

To propose, to make me his soulmate forever!

We would dream of life together forever!

Was the wish-list too long, that neither me nor God could find him yet?

Still I have not lost hope! Dance to waltz with him.

Make a cute little family
Tied with love forever!!!


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