Travel Buddies

Some beautiful paths cannot be discovered without getting lost. And after getting lost, I found new friends or should I say Travel Buddies!
As a kid, travel was restricted to only school picnics and summer hometown visits. College life made me explore the length and breadth of Aamchi Mumbai. Reunion with Grad friends made me drive out of Mumbai and within Maharashtra. But nothing beyond. Hence I took the plunge of diving solo into the travel ocean in Jul 2018. Six years of swimming into unknown places with an unknown crowd led to making new friends from strangers, opened new perspective of looking towards life and much more. Hope I keep adding to this list.

Lehd buddies 
My first trip to the mountains couldn't have been better than the wonderful group I was a part of. Everyone had come solo on this trip. Conversations started off from the airport itself, helping others to cope up with the altitude sickness, playing antakshari in the evening, trying the ladakhi dress and cuisines, getting ready for the fashion show, etc. We were divided into small vehicles, mine was the best and so was my roommate.

Western Europe buddies
My first international trip would always be memorable for the amazing and enthusiastic group I was in. Had I not dared to book the tour without passport, I would have missed this group. We had personal stories as well as antakshari in the bus, tea parties in hotel rooms, etc. 

Imagica buddies
It was a day full of adventure with thriller rides and amazing stories in the bus journey.

North East Explorers
My first trip post lockdown would have not been better than this one. I found a crowd of youngster and we just had a blast every evening either in hotel rooms or trying cuisines on long walks or spa evening with dinner.

SM buddies
Here again I found an amazing crowd, hard luck on roommate though. There were families on this tour and each of them included me in theirs. Cannot forget the night walks in the lion city.

Egypt Explorers

This trip was a mix of family and women special. A very different set of travellers with a lot of experiences to listen from the young at heart travellers.


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