Those little things I love: Hobbies

Though my favourite subjects are science and maths, geography always amazed me to explore places. As a kid it was not feasible. Since I started earning, travel is the most valuable for me. I started travelling with unknown groups since 2018 and the passion for it has only kept incrementing.

As since I learned how to read, I have been a voracious reader. Be it novels, stories, autobios, encyclopedia, newsletters, blogs, I never got bored reading.

I love writing diaries, quotes for life, poems, letters to friends, etc. This is my way of expressing self rather than speaking about it. 

I love documenting moments of my life journey into my virtual diary. This is my way of being remembered in the world.

I love capturing moments from the lens of my eyes to the lens of camera. This is my way of sharing what I have seen so far in this beautiful world.

Since the time I learned cursive writing, I have been trying out different fonts and styles. An amateur today, I have plans to polish my skills.

Trekking & Camping
I love climbing forts, long hiking monsoon trails, living in tents in the jungle, etc.

Puzzle Solving
Solving aptitude questions is my favourite pastime. Also puzzles like Sudoku, Kakuro, etc. Solving different Rubic cubes, mindtwisters, riddles, anything that is food for the brain, interests me.

Sky Observation
I have been an enthu cutlet for astronomy, watched the stars, moon, planets through telescope. You can count me on for star gazing, any clear night.

Adventure rides
I love daredevil rides, though scared, I sit in the ride and scream a lot. You can count me on the next theme park!

I love to paint on walls, fill the colours on created designs, emboss, brush, etc. I am good at creating colour combinations.

Listening to music
It started with listening to pocket radio FM. I love instrumental more than lyrical.

Playing Piano
I always wished to learn one musical instrument and that happen to be piano. I learnt the basics during school but have completely forgotten now. I have promised myself to get back to the black and white keys soon.

I love creating dotted designs during Diwali.

I learnt to make woollen bag and table cover in school under extra activities.


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