My First Solo Travelogue: Part Eight

"Our flag does not fly because the wind moves it; it flies with the breath of each soldier"

Day Eight: 26.07.2018

I got up early morning, excited for the day. We had breakfast at 08:30am and were set to visit the LOC Viewpoint at 9am. Different vehicles were arranged, our regular vehicles weren't allowed there. All our group members got accommodated in some or the other vehicle, except for me and Mayuri. So we joined the vehicle in which Supriya Nijampurkar, Ujjwala Churi and Anupama Khole were already sitting. Hence we got a chance to chitchat with them, talks on the Kargil market, etc were on. The road to the point was convoluted with a parallel flowing water-stream. 
Kashmir Cute Tiny Tots

We reached the point, but it was closed due to Kargil Vijay Diwas. We viewed atleast a few things through the DSLR zooming functionality. There were army tents at far distance, it appeared as a white dot. We got back to the hotel and had to check out before 12pm. All the luggage was loaded into our vehicles. We had lunch at 12.30pm and left for Drass, reached there at 01:45pm. It was altogether a different feeling after entering the premises filled with patriotic air.

Kargil War Memorial

Vijay Path

The central promenade is called the Vijay Path (Victory Path); resplendent with our National flag adorning either sides. We walked through the path, there were Howitzers and Helipads. There were fighter aircraft model, Bofor guns, the army bunkers model, etc.

Kargil War Summary

We were briefed by an Indian Soldier, about the Kargil War which took place between May and July of 1999. Pakistan infiltrated forces into Kashmir and occupied strategic locations enabling it to bring NH1 within range of its artillery fire. Based on information from local shepherds, the Indian Army was able to ascertain the points of incursion and thus Operation Vijay was instigated. Fierce battles were fought day and night to regain our land in one of the most precarious terrain. Finally the Indian Army recaptured all the territories and the "Amar Jawans who took their last breath while fighting our India" were brought back from the battlefield. The Indian Army declared 26th July, 1999 as 'Kargil Vijay Diwas' to commemorate the undaunting spirit and sacrifice of Indian soldiers during this conflict. 

Its 19 years now and I am here and I am speechless after listening the facts. We were also showed some of the Key Points recaptured and looking at it from the base ground, we could only imagine how difficult it would have been for our Army to ascend and fight, while the enemy has full advantage to view us from the top and attack. We sang the National Anthem, the feeling of standing in the patriotic land could not be expressed in words.

Amar Jawan (Immortal Heroes)

The sanctum sanctorum of the War Memorial is the eternal flame of Amar Jawan, which is kept lit all the time; provides vigil to the inverted rifle with helmet depicting the soldier. I tried my best to capture the flame, hope you can view it in the picture.

Wall of Heroes

Behind the eternal flame, there is a wall captioned "Beneath this earth young warriors sleep". The names of the brave soldiers, who coloured the success canvas of Kargil through their blood, were engraved on this glittering wall decorated with marigold flowers.

Veer Bhoomi

It constitutes of the epitaphs of the soldiers who sacrificed their lives for India in the Drass-Kargil sector since 1947, including those fierce warriors of Operation Vijay. I was speechless with tear-filled eyes, thinking that it really requires a patriotic genes in your body to die for the country at such an young age.

Manoj Pandey Gallery

"If death strikes before I prove my blood, I swear, I will kill death"

The gallery is named after Captain Manoj Pandey, an officer of 1/11 Gorkha Rifles, posthumously awarded with Param Vir Chakra for his unflinching courage during the Kargil War. Read more about him here:

The gallery is sectioned into three parts:

Remembrance: The names of all the soldiers Killed in Action during Operation Vijay are displayed here, including the letters written from the war zone.

War History: A detailed description of all the units that participated in Operation Vijay is captured here. The terrain and Key Points were photo framed at the entry. The battle details and terrain models were displayed further. 

The Battle of Tololing (20May- 24June 99) was a turning point in the Op Vijay, which proved to be a launchpad to evict the Pakistani intruders and paved way for India's success. 

The 13th BN Jammu and Kashmir Rifles led by Captain Vikram Batra, were titled 'Bravest of the Brave' for recapturing Point 5140 on 20th June 99 and Point 4875 on 6th July 99; two of the most heavily defended features of Drass. 

The 3/3 Gorkha Rifles, not only successfully captured the areas right up-to the LOC, but also had distinction of pushing the enemy 1km behind the LOC. 

The 1/11 Gorkha Rifles was the very first Battalion to be included for Op Vijay; performed exceptional fearlessly for recapturing the Khalubar Top

The 17th BN Jat Regiment fought at heights beyond 16000ft in extremely rugged and inhospitable terrain to recapture Point 4540 and the Pimple; validated the saying that, "No defenses are impregnable for a determined attacker"

The 8th BN Sikh Regiment successfully captured Tiger Hill with heavy casualties by the brave sikhs. 

The 2NAGA unit launched an attack on area Twin Bumps in the Point 4875 complex in the Mushkoh Valley Sector. 

And there were many more Regiments who fought fearlessly for capturing the tasks bestowed on them.

Enemy Weapons and Equipment: A small section includes the Pakistani war rifles and equipment captured during the war. I was really very angry when I saw visitors taking selfies with those war weapons, what actually they wanted to prove!

There was a souvenir shop having fridge magnets, key-chains, mugs, books of the Kargil War, T-shirts with the message: "Some goals are so worthy, its glorious even to fail"

While others were busy buying things for their loved ones, I just took a fridge magnet of  Op Vijay 1999 and exited the memorial after taking a quick glance of the Indian Flag and the Amar Jawan Jyoti. The sole purpose of the tour was served and I was happy that I got a chance to visit this place. I walked back to the place where our vehicles were parked. I had a chat with Vidyut on her book; and also on women solo travels. She suggested me to start writing live blogs. Here I made a new friend, Soniya Shah. She is into Medical Profession.

We started our return journey to Leh at 03:30pm from Drass. We halted at a restaurant for tea, coffee, maggi break at 06:30pm. There was a monastery of Maitreya Buddha opposite to it. Now there were just convoluted roads ahead and darkness of the night for our company. Our vehicle was the first in queue and these drivers were playfully racing with each other. We reached Hotel Kanishka at 10:50pm, tired with the travel and overwhelmed with what all we saw at the memorial. 

The dinner menu was such that I didn't like any of the items. It reminded my placement day when the menu was same as today, and I was on night fast. But that night my stomach was full with the job offer, while today I was damn hungry. I managed with the roti and pickle. Atlast we got a different room and there was an attached balcony too. We were so tired that as soon as we fell on the beds, we slept. Co-travelers do put in your experience of the day in the comments below.


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