Joy of Giving

We received a mail in the Christmas week of 2016 for the donation of clothes, toys, shoes, books, etc. The caption "You may not need them. Somebody does." connected to me. During school and college, all my clothes and books, toys, and stationery was passed on to my young siblings. They used to wait for it. They never got a new textbook or a geometry box of their own. The day I read this mail, I thought of digging only my drawers and find out if I could donate something to the Joy of Giving boxes kept on each floor of our HO building. I collected all the story books (which I have either earned as prizes or bought from scholastics) and added the note "Happy Reading!!" and put it in the box. I had a lot of sketch pens, crayons, sparkle pens and colour pencils which I had not even touched in years after starting my job. So, all these stuffs went to the box with a note "Happy Drawing!!!". I thought I would not get a chance to trek again, so I gave away my trekking shoes as well. Then the lucky t-shirts which I wore during exams and the lucky jeans. I have hoarded those in the name of "keeping it for my kids", now I laugh at my own statement. Life gives you surprises, I am still finding the special one in my life, kids is too far-fetched dream. Hence, I decided on donating all such clothes. I also gave away a few tops and denims to my cousin sister. Since my aunty was working in the factory making hair clips, clutches, and bands, I had a lot of those samples and I hardly used a few. So, these again went into the box. I had emptied two-third of my belongings in the boxes, I had not even looked at those for years. Post the Christmas week, whenever there was such a donation drive, I had received the Joy of Giving away stuff to the needy.


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