You Only Live Once

I always wanted to travel “with friends”. But the plan never worked out. Parents said, "How will friends join you? They are busy getting married. And even you should. Then you can travel anywhere with your partner". I realized that my wish list should not be dependent on friends or someone special. Finally, I gifted a vacation to myself. Had I not decided to travel with an unknown group, today I would have not been a better version of myself. Travel not only helped me to explore places but also introduced me to a set of amazing co-travellers. I did try out new activities which I would have not even thought of. Walking in ankle deep snow, sitting close to a waterfall, caving, cruising and what not. When I was putting in efforts to convince my friends for a year, each of my friends replied, "Are you crazy?". Now the same friends are requesting, "Can we join you on next adventure?". There are also a few who say, “Did someone break your heart? And you travel to heal it”. There will be supporters and opponents to whatever you do. Follow your dreams and turn those into reality, take out "ME" time, do something offbeat and continue with your hobbies. Never wait for things to happen, make things happen. Life is too short to keep fulfilling other's expectation. As the title mentions, you only live once!


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