Celebrating Teacher's Day

As a yearly tradition, Class X must do the preparations for Teacher's Day. For year 2004, the responsibility was given to me, Nikhila Kamath, Chandni Jha and Priti Singh. We further had to plan the whole day with our classmates. It was a big responsibility since we wanted everything to be perfect for the day. We considered it as expressing our gratitude towards our teachers for taking us through the school journey. A lot of preparations were to be done: welcome with roses, dance performance, games and recreations, gifts, decoration of the school hall, appointing classmates to teach in each class from Class I to Class IX on the day, etc.

Roses were arranged and two classmates volunteered in removing thorns. The school hall was finally decorated, after a lot of pranks like paper tailing each other. We had gathered a lot of dupattas for the games. Thinking of ideas for the games was a task. Dance performance was set on one of the Main Hoo Naa songs, after we got it approved from Principal Madam. I also remember the dilemma of finding a boy to dance for the section of Zayed Khan in the song. And since he did not want to dance amongst four girls, we had one more boy to give him company. Gifts were arranged.

We had to make the timetable of who is going to be the class teacher of which Class and which subject was going to be taught for the day. Well, it was not at all easy. e.g. Gaurav Arekar mentioned that he will teach drawing only and so on. I gave the responsibility of subject selection to the one-day teachers. But the class selection was done by us. Here again no one was ready to teach Class VIII and Class IX. We had to really convince classmates for putting themselves into the teacher's shoes, at least for a day! While they already had an idea of where the shoe is gonna pinch so everyone had to be well prepared for it. We submitted the one-day teacher's list along with class and subjects to our supervisor, Sneha Kamath Ma'am.

Teacher's Day
The day started at 6AM for four of us (I, Nikhila, Chandni, Priti). We had to check all the arrangements in the school hall. The one-day teachers for the morning classes had already taken charge of their respective classes. Their day started with marking attendance in the register and then carrying on with the subject. Nikhila and I went for school rounds as Supervisor and Principal. Every class greeted us "Good Morning Madam" and our one-day teachers were grinning. The morning classes were over before noon and the afternoon classes started. We had half day for the afternoon classes since we had to start with the teacher's day program.

Teachers were welcomed with red roses and sprinkling gulabjal. We had the dance performance on Chale Jaise Hawayein by Vijeta Naik, Harshal Parab, Chetan Velkar, Sushil Barnawal, Bhakti Dhanu, and Prachi Arekar. Well right now I do not remember the exact sequence of the day. But we had lunch served during the performances. Here we had appointed volunteers for serving the plates but there were tiffs between friends on "I will serve to my favorite teacher". Managing everyone and everything is indeed a difficult task. Post lunch we had musical chair and other games. Teachers were divided into groups so that every teacher gets to play at least one game. The whole celebration went well. Our teachers were very happy. And finally, the four of us heaved a sigh of relief.


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