A to Z Me

Adamant Me is always firm on my decisions however risky it might be and when I am sure, I don't listen to others; so whatever comes success or failure, no one else to blame.
Blogger Me is always penning down experiences into the diary wherein friends have flashback of memories and other readers connect to their life chapters.
Childish Me is still an innocent child at heart, do end up as a laughing stock for the matured oldies.
Daughter Me was an ideal for my parents till few years back; but now it has become an headache which they want to get rid off as soon as possible.
Emotional Me gets a heavy heart on seeing others pain but don't show it on the face.
Friend Me is always available in ups and down, challenges and support whenever the need be and otherwise.
Girl Me is not so girlie for I am not shopaholic and I hate gossiping.
Honest Me is to the core even if the situations are against me.
Introvert Me talks very little at start until I really feel comfortable with people around.
Jealous Me feels the agony when people are awarded with things they actually don't deserve.
Keep to Me do not want to bother others for solutions until I have tried the hardest.
Leader Me likes to manage groups and direct them to work in areas of their interests rather than being a dictator.
Maggiholic Me eats a lot of maggi noodles and at anytime.
Nostalgic Me is full of memories with minute details due credit to the cursing unforgettable boon I possess.
Observer Me looks around the surroundings and people with the lens of my eyes working as magnifying glass.
Philosophical Me keeps on finding the flip side of famous quotes and sometimes create a few on myself.
Quiet Me will not speak a word when I am sad or hurt; putting others in confusion as to what has gone wrong.
Reader Me will start reading anything of interest; be it a book or newsletter or a simple pamphlet.
Serious Me takes life realistically and do not want to get into unnecessary trouble; laughing factor is limited in me.
Trekker Me likes to spend a lot of time trekking forts and climbing waterfalls and camping.
Unlucky Me never got anything luck by chance, always had to strive hard.
Voracious Me is voracious at anything I do; may it be reading, writing, etc.
Workaholic Me keeps working a lot at office sometimes skipping tea and snacks and staying till late night when stuck in issue.
Xtreme Me is at the extreme level whether it be my caring nature or my uncontrollable anger.
Young Me was always enthusiastic for trying out new things.
Zoomer Me always makes up-to catch the Virar train since last 12 years.


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