Colour Academy Visit

The second visit on the ECA list was at Colour Academy. We had to reach the venue at 09:45 AM on 5th Feb, 2018. I and Madhura Chodankar got down at Andheri station, walked through the red bridge to the Metro station. We boarded the metro and alighted at J.B.Nagar Chakala. Now the GMap was on for locating the Colour Academy. We took the shortest path as per the map and reached a dead end. So we traversed back to the main road. We somehow located Hotel Tunga, got in the adjoining lane, reached the Post Office and then Aptech office. The detection stopped at the white building next to Aptech. There was no board as to find whereabouts of the building. We asked a person sitting inside with boxes surrounding him. He asked us to go straight and left. The ground floor was open and under construction. We reached the back door and finally saw the Colour Academy logo. The Colour Academy was at first floor. We were welcomed by Ms. Supriya Pawaskar; she was going to tour us through the academy. We sat in one of the lecture rooms; she briefed us on how the idea emerged to start trainings for the painters, contractors and fresher (anyone who wants to learn painting). Female participants have also started joining the academy. The best thing is that participants get a certificate after course completion. There are basic paint courses for the walls, wood, wallpapers, etc. There is a 14 Effects Royal Play Plus course dedicated only for texture walls. Information is also provided on all the mechanized tools used in the painting process. There is also a Mobile Colour Academy which goes in remote places with all the stuff and creates a setup just like the actual academy. We walked through the academy. 

There were storage rooms for storing paints, paint training area where the sheets are pasted on walls for practical paint application. Supriya showed us application of some Royale Play textures and some of us did hands on. 
Painted by Vrushali Darade
We saw different types of wallpapers, exterior wall textures, painting tools, wood finishes, etc. We were explained on measurement tools like moisture meter. Finally we had a cup of chai and left the academy.


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