School Days: Rally on the road

The first ever Road Rally I participated was in Class VI for Banning Plastic Bags. As a pre work, we had to prepare slogans, banners, paper bags, etc. We had to assemble on the school ground in the morning with all the stuff. Students were divided in groups, led by one teacher per group. Our journey would start from school gate to the main road, we would walk parallel to the only railway track leading to the hills. All shops around the area would look with curiosity. Then we head to the left towards Chandansar. We walked all the way making announcements on banning plastic and providing paper bags to all the shopkeepers. We would reach the Old Railway Crossing and take a U-turn. Then coming back, we would go to Jivdani Road. Then we would reach the Nagar Palika Ground via the Ganesh Mandir shortcut from Jivdani Road to Phool Pada. The Nagar Palika Garden was newly developed then. All schools students assembled at this point after rallying different parts of Virar. Here we all would get Rs. 2 Parle G biscuit packs. After the task completion announcement is done, most of us would go to the garden. We would feed the biscuits as bait to the fishes in the lake. There are ducks quacking around and different types of birds are kept in a circular cage. I don't remember how long did we sat there. But after every rally we participated, we would not go home without taking at-least one round of the garden.


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