Cold Sweats

It all starts with a sudden trigger in the head; vibrations pass to every hair. The vision gets blurry as if too much of light is shot of the eyes. The body looses control and I fall down with my body aching pain in the knee joint, in the shoulders, in the pelvis. At an instance, I get a dead feeling as if my soul has exited my body for few seconds. My mind can still recognize the environment, my ears can still listen to what was happening around me; while my eyes were still blackout due to the sudden flash of light and my body is refrained to move even by an inch. My body is perspiring and the sweat is cold. The perspiration is to such an extent that my hair are sweaty now and the sensation is similar to that of applying a menthol shampoo; my clothes are wet as if I had had a walk in the drizzle. The situation I currently into is called an instance of low blood pressure, low sugar level. I need an intake of sugar and purpose for which I compulsorily have a Dairy Milk Chocolate is this. The cold sweat takes it time for duration of 15 minutes to a half an hour and is worst if coupled with painful periods. A bite of chocolate is enough to quieten the havoc in nervous system. When the head is at peace, the cold sweats stop and the vision get cleared to certain extent. But the body is still weak to get back to normal. Mostly the cold sweats meet me on menstrual periods, on empty stomachs, in closed rooms, in over crowded train, in stressful situations, etc. But now I have got over it through proper intake of iron in my food and my haemoglobin levels are now quite close to optimum. 


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