Plogging (Get Set Plog)

Plogging is an eco-friendly exercise through which people pick up trash while jogging or brisk walking to clean up litter and take care of their health. As a part of the CSR activities, we got a mail for Plogging on 2nd Mar, 2019. I registered for the same and reported our Head Office building at 7AM. We got a little sack with a sanitizer, Glucose D, Kellog energy bar, few black garbage bags with gloves, and a sticker with our names, just the way marathon runners have. We were given basic instructions by the organizing team on the process, what to pick, what not to pick, what precautions are to be taken and so on. We were divided in groups and given ribbons to tie around the waste bags. The team collecting maximum no. of garbage would receive a prize. The activity would take around 3 hours.

We started from the Asian Paints gate, towards the road of Mumbai University. We reached the main road, in front of the University Gate, crossed the road and walked our way towards the Western Express Highway flyover. Then took a left turn towards the sloping lane. Eventually we got back to the HO building through the gate in front of Naveena Food Joint. During the complete journey, we picked up many plastic gutka packets, waste newspapers, pamphlets, wrappers of food, home delivery boxes, soft drink bottles, plastic water bottles, broken glass, etc. Finally, our mission was completed. We washed our hands thoroughly and we had a hearty brunch in the canteen.


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