The Shooting Star Book Launch

Had I not logged into Facebook on 11th Oct, I would have missed the book launch on 13th Oct,2018

The Shooting Star: A Girl, Her Backpack and The World is a book written by the famous travel blogger Shivya Nath. I got to know about her through the year 2017 Times Newsletter of Womens Day Special. Since then, I have been reading her blog and following The Shooting Star Facebook page. I wanted to buy the book, now the cherry on the cake was buying the book with Shivya's autograph. I had already stopped asking my friends for a weekend outing since they have replied that they are in if it's a movie outing. The book launch was at 11.30AM at the Crossword, Kemps Corner, Charni Road. I reached the Charni Road station through the Churchgate Fast from Virar. Then I followed the signs on the skywalk to reach the book shop. The google map can sometimes show a longer route, same happened in my case. Finally, I asked a few pedestrians and they showed me the shortest route. The bookstore shutter was partially open, and we were waiting outside. There came in Shivya, walking alone on the lane, looking at her anyone will believe that she is indeed just a girl who travels. Now the shutter was open, and we walked into the bookstore. Since few of us were early visitors, we got a chance for one-to-one conversations with her. The seating arrangement and the camera positioning were in process. Kareena Gianani, Senior Associate Editor - National Geographic Traveller India, was going to interview Shivya. Both left for a discussion at the cafeteria on first floor. I was browsing through the books section. Once the setup was done, everyone grabbed the seats and the session started.

Firstly, Shivya was introduced to the reading audience. Then she spoke of her journey from studying in Singapore to working in Marketing Research at the Singapore Tourism; quitting the 9 to 5 job; working as a digital nomad since then. The very first thought of writing the book ticked in her mind while she was travelling in Ecuador in 2016. Then she described in short on the book draft writing, editing, publishing journey. She elaborated on travelling solo and what is the process to be followed. She gave a tip to start travelling solo in our own city first to do a self-check. She further elaborated on being a vegan, slow travels, how she prefers homestays, how she decides on split second choices, etc. Open questions were asked on how she funds her travels, scariest experiences (if any), shopping souvenirs, etc. Apart from travel blogging, in the initial days, she also did freelance. She narrated some scary experiences on her travel; giving a perspective that everything is not picture perfect. Since she lives out of two bags now, she seldom buys any souvenirs. Asked her on which is her favorite chapter in the book, she replied "Homeless". I immediately decided to start my reading from this chapter. She also talked about peer pressure which all girls in late twenties and early thirties go through. If you are single, the whole world wants to know why. Post the session, most of us queued up for buying the book, while those who already has a copy, queued up for taking her autograph. Everyone got a click with Shivya. This was one of the well spent Saturday's. Video link of the book launch


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