Around South East Asia: Part Twelve

Bidding adieu from the world-famous airport
We reached the Changi Airport at 2pm. We queued up for the boarding pass of Malaysian Airways. There were two flights, one from Singapore to Kuala Lumpur and the later from KL to Mumbai. I collected both the boarding passes and checked in my luggage. Post this, the whole group went to witness the Jewel at 3pm. The road crossing was unique, we needed to press the stop button, after a set time the walking sign activates, and we can cross the road.

The whole building in itself was like a huge mall. The Indoor Waterfall (named "Rain Vortex") in the structure holds the World Record for the tallest indoor waterfall in the world. It was a delight watching this man-made wonder. There are other activities like walking the forest valley around the waterfall, walking net bridge to witness the fall from the top, hedge maze, bouncing net, etc.

We got back to the airport and headed for the Immigration. The security checked our passport and further we had to get the passport scanned through an automated immigration machine. Post that we had to assemble at Gate no 42. The flight was delayed. We got into snacking and chit-chatting mode. The security screening was done, and we boarded the flight MHO 608. The seat arrangement was ABC | DEF. My seat was 19E and Charanjeet Uppal was on adjacent seat. I highly appreciate her manners and discipline. Even though being a senior citizen, she never demanded favor, was always in the queue, always talked politely with all tour members. I hope my roommate was at least half of this. Never mind. The flight took off and we were served peanuts and juice. I had been drinking Orange Cordial every day. The flight descended on the KL airport. Since there was a delay, we had to rush for the next flight. We hurriedly reached Gate 27 and passed through the security checking; cabin bags were scanned. We got into the flight MHO 194. The seat arrangement was AC | DEFG | HJ. My seat was 34H. I was praying for the 34J to be vacant so that I get the window seat. Finally, my wish came true! Since my earlier seat was vacant now, Surekha Chintawar occupied it. She preferred the aisle seat. We got our headphones and security instructions displayed on the screens. The screen displayed the map with distance and time statistics and the travel route. As the plane took off, I saw the KL city from my window and bid goodbye to Malaysia. The meal was served at 9:15pm: paneer sabzi, rice, half roti and apple. 
I watched the movie 83 for a while and then dozed off. We landed at 10pm and walked our way to the Immigration counter. It took 15 mins for the immigration while a lot of time for the luggage to arrive on the belt. I waved a goodbye to everyone and reached the auto stand where my brother was waiting. We drove to the Andheri station, boarded the Virar Fast and reached at 12:15am. Finally, the 12th country ticked on my bucket list.


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