Frozen Friendship

A friendship got frozen in time,
Its sweetness bittered by a pinch of lime.

From strangers to close friends,
Random talks between us had no ends.

Talks in the sun, cold and rain,
Talks on the road, auto and train.

Talks during lunch, coffee and breakfast,
Talks on the future, present and past.

From greeting good mornings and waving goodbyes,
Speaking our heart out with no trace of lies.

Bonding over moonrise and sunsets,
Bonding over our family and future pets.

Playing online games and chats full of emojis,
On hurting each other, we healed it with sincere apologies.

Wishing on birthday for breaking the ice,
To waiting for the birthday to break the silence.

There is still a lot to talk and share,
Not sure if there exists the same warmth and care.

If this friendship was selfish then it really taught me a lesson,
Henceforth I would not make close friends for any reason.

Walking fast, sweating and feeling the cool breeze,
Its strange all of a sudden, a friendship could freeze.

Sharing sad moments as well as happiness and smiles,
Wished our friendship could have travelled for miles.

Close friends turned to strangers again,
Frozen memories is what now remain.

Friendship blossomed in spring and blazed in summer,
Drenched in monsoon and frozen before winter?

Better frozen than broken,
For frozen can be melted,
But broken cannot be mended.

Finally broken into pieces,
And burnt into ashes.


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