Auto rides

I get down at Santacruz; walk the bridge towards East and start asking each Auto, "Grand Hyatt chaloge?". Now you get all the strange expressions before actually getting the answer as Yes or No. The Auto-rickshaw is a public transport; consists of three seats and three tyres. Firstly the driver will decide as if "To go or not to go is the question?". Then they will nod a Yes; you get in. If its a No; search for next Auto. The travel duration and experience varies as per the driver. Some will drive like pilots and reach destination within less time and traffic signals. But the ride is breathtaking; almost accident prone if its a second here and there. Some will drive carefully adhering to all traffic rules. Some will be so slow that you will get a feel of sitting in a bullock cart. You will even sometimes opt for driving the Auto! At Asian Paints, we prefer sharing the Auto in mornings and evenings. Mostly the Kurla public will wait till the trio is formed. The most amazing rides are when the driver does not know the location and he believes that you will guide him through. Even you do not know the way to the location; you are on Google Maps and suddenly the net connection goes off. I had such situation while searching for Archis. If you haven't experienced an Auto ride yet, go have it once!


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