Xpecto Patronum!

Just imagine of having wizardry powers to use the magic spells in this Muggle world! Just get up in the morning and say "Accio" and you get both toothbrush and toothpaste right in your hand. Forgot the keys, say "Alohomora" and the door will open; but not all doors, some are Alohomora proof. If the "Anti cheating” spell was used on exam answer papers; the number of re exam applications would have doubled. Using the "Capacious Extremis" the undetectable extension charm, we can make our room of 4BHK internally even though it is 1BHK to the world. Wanna cheer up a friend who is lost in sadness; use the "Cheering charm" to make them happy. But be careful otherwise the friend can go into an uncontrollable laughing fit. You can be Mr. India using the "Disillusionment" charm; there is even no need of invisibility cloak. If someone is coming to hit you with something, you can disarm them using "Expelliarmus" or just float that thing into air using "Wingardium Leviosa". Freeze anything using the "Freezing" charm. There is a "Gemino Curse"; the infected thing duplicates itself on touch. It works the same way as recursion does; sorry can't help bringing in coding here. If you want to discuss on secret topics and do not want even the doors and windows to listen then use the "Imperturbable" charm. Wanna tie someone or something with ropes; use "Incarcerous". Use "Oblivate" to hide a memory of a particular event specifically the sad memories. Wanna statue someone, use "Petrificus Totalus". If there is a person talking too much and non stop; just stop the person immediately using "Silencio". For self defence, use "Stupefy" and put the attacker into an unconscious state. Really needed for girls! The “Switching” spell causes two objects to be switched for one another. So, I become you and you become me, would be possible then. The “Tongue Tying Curse” would help to keep secret promises from getting broken. There are times when life gives you the Dementor effect, when you go into depression and get a feeling that you are never going to be happy ever again. Here is the “Expecto Patronum” charm to your rescue. It conjures an incarnation of the innermost positive feelings and provides a shield from the negativity. So when life hits you like a dementor, hit it back with Xpecto Patronum!


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