French a bit

Je m`appelle Pranita Warik
Je suis etudiante
Ma date de naissance est le vingt-six aout
Jai me lire les romans

I have not gone crazy. It’s just a bit of French which I have learnt last December (kind of crash course). The first lecture went in learning the ABCD and 1234 (un deux trois quatre) of the language. It was difficult initially as always it happens when you learn something new. We used to laugh a lot but were also interested in learning. For me it resembled the same way as I learnt Sanskrit (we had it from Class VIII to X). Like we had devaha; here it was avoir and etre. French is a bit tricky because the way you pronounce and write is totally different. For example the number 3 is written as trois but pronounced as truaa. The colour grey is written as gris and pronounced as gri. The punctuations were very important: aigu, trema, grave, cedilla, circonflex, etc. We learnt the basics from days of week (les jours de la semaine) to months of year (les mois de l`annie); colours (les couleurs) and seasons (la saison) and verbs; wrote our bio-data (formulaire d`inscription) in French, etc. 

The French conversations included:
Comment allez-vous? Tres bien merci (How are you? I am well, thank you)
Bonjour (Good day), Salut (Hi), De rein (You’re welcome), Excusez moi (Excuse me)

The best part was telling the time. There are different ways to tell the time:
6:45: six heures quarante-cinq (six hours forty-five) OR sept heures moins le quart (quarter to seven)
7 am: Il est sept heures du matin
7pm: Il est sept heures le sior

Having done with the portion in just four lectures, we had to appear for a written test of 100 marks. Thus my French class was over and plans to visit the Eiffel tower country are on my mind!


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