A year consists of 365 days or 52 weeks or 12 months or one revolution of the sun whatever you call it. It starts with New Year 01.01.YYYY and all new resolutions. The first public holiday we get is Republic day. January mostly goes in Investment Declaration Proof submissions. The romantic February follows with Valentines week. Love is in the air and gift shops, Archis, etc are in great business. March marks the Year End in business and finance. Employees get the beloved salary increment letters. Here I am involved in the letter generation process; so it’s the most crucial month for me.  All the closings are done. April starts with April fool and marks the beginning of new work resolution. We have Good Friday and Easter Sunday. We have planning presentation. During school we loved this month so much. Finals exam get over and we are set free for vacations. Now those are in dreams only. May has no holidays and scorching sun. Most of the competitive exams happen in this month. People visit their home town. It’s the month of Alphonso! June is back to school month. All new books and bags and uniform! We keep waiting for monsoon to wet this earth. 2016 monsoon made us wait too long. July is the longest working month and it’s rainy. And it has the Income Tax Return deadlines. August is most special for me because it’s my birthday. Time to be princess for a day! It’s also Shraavan having lot of festivals. September has Ganpati Festival and Teacher's Day. October bring autumn and Durga Puja. Ten colours for ten days! November says that winter is on its way; get ready with your woollens! The last month is December. We evaluate what all happened and wonder how time passes so quickly. Preparations for Christmas and Santa gifts and Thanksgiving! We make resolution like "Next year I will definitely do this" and that and what not! Party celebrations on 31.12.YYYY are in full swings. This marks the end of another year; a year full of memories, happiness and tears, finding something and losing something, achievements and failures, etc. And yes this year is never going to return again!


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