
Zero reminds me of Lobo Ma'am, "Limit x tends to zeeerrrooo". I wanted to write on zero but had only five things coming to my mind. So I asked some of my friends, "What all comes to your mind when you hear zero?” To my surprise, maximum of them replied zero means egg! One of them reminded of Aryabhatta, the inventor of zero. Zero is responsible for increasing the value of any other digit by ten times if placed after. It makes no change to numbers when added or subtracted but makes them zero when multiplied. In cricket, getting out at zero makes the batsman so sad and the bowler so happy. Zero gravity makes us float. Getting a zero in exam invites a full fledged trashing from parents. Sometimes there is confusion between number 0 and letter O. Zero can be used to draw a face. In computer world, the binary system had 0s and 1s; where zero meant off or no signal depending on the context. Zero dandruff is so happy and zero mobile balance is so sad. Zero is neutral; neither positive nor negative. Imagine freezing in 0° Celsius!


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