Travelling through the clouds: Part Two

Having done with the HCP training, lunches at SAP Labs terrace, dinners in hometal, udupi house and Marriot, travelling via cabs, auto and bus through the pathetic traffic of Bengaluru; it was time to return home. Web Check-in was done. Again I selected F column seat behind the wings. The flight Bengaluru to Mumbai was Jet Airways 9W at 9.45pm. 

Bengaluru to Mumbai:

We reached well in advance at the airport. The luggage was scanned at the departure gate. We reached the first floor for security checking: the boarding pass was stamped and luggage went through scanner. Post this, we had dinner at a restaurant. I am such a voracious noodles eater! Having done all these we were waiting for the flight announcements. Now the boarding pass was scanned and luggage was checked for the tags. We boarded the flight; it was dark outside. The safety instructions were given and the plane was ready to take off. As the plane was speeding in forward direction; it felt like it is cutting all the darkness. Two little girls exclaimed, "Yeah, Mom we are flying!” Even the little girl in me had same emotions but couldn't shout like them. Since it was night, many passengers dozed off. Peeping on the window, I could see picture of tiny bulbs on ground. The magazine had interesting articles to read. Dinner was served. Having done with a bowl full of noodles; I could still make place for matar rice and chocolate mousse. The announcement went like its raining in Mumbai with lightning. Wow I just wanted this. The plane was shaking a bit while cutting through the clouds; could see a stroke of light once. The dark clouds were cleared but it was drizzling. I saw the city full of lights; my beloved Mumbai! What a million dollar view! As we descended, I could see the roads, railway station and train and even the metro! The planes went so closer to the terraces of the bungalow or building; felt like it is just gonna land on these. Our airports are in the heart of city! We landed at the international airport at 10.45pm. Yuhu! On the first flight experience touching both the airports! I hoped for the next flight to take off from international airport to another country! Done with all the imaginations; I got down from the flight and boarded the bus. We reached airport by 11.15pm; took a cab. Shailesh and Santosh dropped me at Borivali station; Papa was waiting for me. We boarded the 12.28am Virar train from platform 1. Damn it was crowded! Virar trains are always. I was offered a seat; and I slept like a careless baby until a tiny tot chased my butterfly clip. She wanted it! We reached Virar at 1.30am and walked the way home. Now there were people on road. It was so tiring to go to office the next oops the same day; but you have to! Lady luck smiled on me and we got a half day due to heavy rains! Yeah!


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