Kalpataru Synergy

The entrance door has its story: while entering we have to use access card, while exit the door opens as we approach it. So if we see someone approaching the door, we patiently wait for the door to open rather than taking the pain of using our cards. The cover keeps changing with the latest of Asian Paints products; Madder Red to be the last here.

The Attendance machine: I have already mentioned about the timers in another post. It tells us exactly when its 10 am and 5 pm.

The Meeting rooms (Ampersand, Tilde, Slash, Hash, Star): At first these were glass. Then they got covered with binary 0s and 1s. We had meetings with stakeholders, project demos, training sessions, team meetings, fun group discussion, preparations for festive functions and video shooting for IT planning meet.

The Floor: All the presentations, functions, cake cuttings and fun games happened over here. When we have a big screen, why go to canteen for watching the World Cup Cricket Final. The longest wall has all the great achievements embarked.

Five Pillars: three in picture, fourth is Systems Family members, fifth is our users (employees from other functions)!

The glass doors: Like I said in earlier posts, can you see the door? Many dashed against it; not only the family members but also our visitors. What not was done to avoid this, a sticker was posted but nothing helped. Now we are used to it. So now whenever there is a bang, all get up to see whose the one!

The red chairs; these were for the visitors and users to sit and wait.

The desks: these are white with lot of space to keep personal stuff, two drawers, one billboard, mini-cupboard and a compartment to keep bag.

The cubicles; these are for M5 and above. But most were used for PFMS reviews. 

The Pantry: our relaxing area, to have coffee n chai n snacks; even lunch sometimes after long meetings. We even have vendiman here.

The balcony n terrace: the balcony on seventh floor for leisure time after lunch, some go for smoke break; the balcony on eight floor where we Rockstar Programmers had video shoot; the terrace again for leisure times and fresh air. The staircase like that of the horror movies!
Goodbye Kalpataru Synergy!


  1. An open ended summary. Everyone will be curious to know, why the hell bye bye!

    1. I have put it on Facebook! I should give some briefing here also.


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