Question Paper

We are so anxious to know about it before exams and keep praying to God that it should be easy. The question paper is white with black letters and a watermark (nowadays). There is QP code at top left corner followed by the total marks. Then at center we have hours mentioned in bold letters. Then there are set of rules which most of us neglect to read. Rule 1 is about compulsory question. Rule 2 is for attempt these many questions from these many. Rule 3 is figures to the right indicates full marks. What if we draw them in center or left? We have a glance through the whole paper. Now for compulsory questions there is no choice whether we know the answer or not we have to write it. Its a nightmare if these questions are from the topic which you have kept in option. Some time goes into deciding which questions to attempt. There is part a and part b to each main question. So we look for those questions of which we can write answers for both parts. Even if you are well prepared with all answers you still do the choice work. Till now I talked about theory papers. The other type is MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions). These seem to be easy but are very difficult to solve. There are four options for each question. Its Kaun Banegi Markspati with no lifelines. Some answers are so tricky, you think a is correct then after five seconds b seems to be more correct. Some options are All of the above and None of the above. These add to more confusion. After the exam is over, the gossiping on the question paper starts. As we pack our stationery into the bags, the paper was easy or difficult and all sorts get discussed. What was the examiner thinking while setting the questions? Whatever may be, we all pray that the paper checker should have a big heart; if not very good then at least give passing marks so that we don't have to see the same subject question paper again!


  1. And that moment when I was looking at my friend and realised that even he was looking at me.....

    1. Looking at each other in hope of answer!


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